I am sure that pretty much every business has been affected in some way by the recession, possibly some more than others. Inevitably, as companies scramble for whatever business they can muster, they often resort to e-mail - unfortunately a very cost-effective way of reaching the masses. I say unfortunately simply because we all know the problem...... you switch on your computer in the morning, and despite the best efforts of your spam filter, you are innundated with mail trying to sell you goods and services of every conceivable type.
To understand where I am going with this story, you have to be aware that in Spain it is actually possible to make a long-term career out of full-time education, and I don't just mean as a teacher. Many university students take several years more than the officially assigned timescale to complete their studies, often heavily subsidised by their parents, and many still living at home during their extended study period.
Now, it could be completely unrelated (and probably is), but it would appear that a very high percentage of the e-mails that I receive on a daily basis are invitations to enrol on courses - offering to further educate you in every subject imaginable. In the current climate I expect that a high percentage of these courses are actually aimed at the unemployed, with promises of enhanced CVs, and to that end they should probably be applauded - but it is simply the sheer volume..... Indeed, right on cue, yet another offer arrives in my inbox as I type this entry!

Meanwhile, on a much lighter (and visually more attractive) note, I have noticed that we get quite a few 'hits' on our blog from Brazil. Not that I'm complaining, as every visit is welcome, but we do not sell any wine to Brazil, and I really can't think of any connection, or reason why they might stumble upon our site. I have even looked at Wikipedia to see if there are any famous Brazilians called Castro Martin - maybe a member of their womens beach volleyball team, or perhaps that is just wishful thinking on my part?
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