In the last couple of months there has not been a single week that has been completely dry (well, actually, there may have been one), and the temperature has only rarely ventured above 20°C (68°F). Indeed the average daytime temperatures for the last 8-10 weeks have been more within the 14°-18°C range.
After a dry winter, it is probably fair to say that we need the rainfall, but as we approach the all-important flowering period, we now require a bit of sustained sunshine and warmth.
I selected the photograph above for a couple of reasons. Firstly, to show off our new tractor at work, and secondly, to highlight the downside of our damp, humid Galician climate - the need to spray. You will also note that the grass in the vineyard is in need of a good trim, but first things first - we need to take care of our vines!